Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Various Sierra stuff

Here's John Muir possibly savoring Eaton Canyon in 1878. The next one is with Teddy Roosevelt in Yosemite. I believe Muir was trying to protect the Hetch Hetchy reservoir area from capitalization. Here's a very beautiful well done photo of probably the eastern Sierra after a severe winter storm. Awesome! And here's a place to stand in faith. Quite a drop below maybe a good 3000 feet to the Yosemite valley below. Many people have not made it up half dome, slipped to their death far below. Muir actually did it before they put in the railing ropes.

Eastern Sierra and Mt Shasta

Here's the eastern Sierra and Mt Shasta with lightning. Back 140 years ago, Muir and a friend would ascend the peak. After a day and half they made it to the top. Suddenly a freak storm came upon the mountain. They had to stay another 72 hours until the storm cleared. Nearly dying in the process. The only thing that saved them was that they nestled in a crevice in the mountain during sub freezing temperatures. They barely made it back hungry, tired and almost frozen to death. His friend broke a couple of bones on the way back and both stayed over at the nearest hospital for treatment.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Various of the Sierra Nevada

Thousands of beautiful places found in these mountains. The hikes new for each day and Nature shows its happenings in chaotic ways.

Various pics Mt Baldy and San Gorgonio Mountain

Some nice larger size pics.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Remembering John Lennon

Some pics and remembering the words of the peace niks.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It was 59 years ago...today

Pix of Mao. Finally takes over China after kicking out Chang Kai Shek (to Taiwan). This reign would continue another 27 years at the time of the "gang of 4." Also a painting of Stalin and Mao. The two men had very similar personality traits.