Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sugar Pine

This magnificent tree may grow above 200 feet tall in ideal conditions. Found from 5000 to about 8000 feet in mountainous areas. Cones to 25 inches long. The sugar supposedly was used by indians as a sealant. Resin has a nice sugary smell. Young trees have a top. The older ones flat topped. May live well above 300 years. Branches dangle out to 50 feet from the trunk. Trunk may be 18 feel in circumference. Often you will find this tree intermixed near Ponderosa Pine, incense cedar, fir, spruce, and sequouia.

Plants that show by November in SoCal

Examples shown are the euryops...this smaller shrub produces hundreds of yellow sunflower type flowers about 1-2 inches across. Butterflies like this plant. Needs ample water and more than half sun. Good drainage and soil food. The bird of paradise has a flower the shape of a bird's head. This needs water but less than the euryops. Full sunlight. Both need maintenance. One can do a low cut of the bird of paradise and it will grow back pretty quick. The pyrocanthus comes out with red to orange berries throughout. May have needles. Also included is the toyon a California native. These berries come out in early November and may last to February. Low water for this but full sunlight.