Sunday, September 20, 2009

Handy chart to have as a reminder

This chart explains itself; included is a keychain.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gotta have a package of these

Some cool sayings and handy for most everybody.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Station Fire surveyed

More La Tuna Canyon 9/6/09

Some more pics.

La Tuna Canyon 9/6/09

Here are some recent pics. Included is the devastated San Gabriel Mountains in the wake of the "Station" fire. This trail is groovy in that you go up to the summit in 2.5 miles and elevate 1900 feet. There's a nice cross road about 10 miles from Oakmont Canyon area to the outskirts of Sun Valley. The conifer forest on the west side hit hard (fire of 8/2005) but some evidence of replanting. Buckwheat turning a golden red brown sometimes with white spots. Two plants with red flowers in bloom at this time. One most likely a wild fushia. This north facing canyon often has some woodsy spots--laden with bay, canyon oak, pacific live oak, sycamore, willow, a rare poplar, ceanothus, tobacco plants, and manzanita. The poison oak turning red at this point and the leaves actually fall off in the winter. A hawk seen today and many black birds (ravens). Coyotes, mule deer, and bobcats often walk near the fire road. Crickets beginning to chirp en masse. At dusk, the bats come out...seeking flying bugs by echo location. Owls also come out at this time. There are about 10 kinds of owl just in this area. The argiope (garden) spider now seen in the buckwheat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Remembering the workers

Imagine if there was no refuse collectors, no mail, no gas, no electricity and maintenance, and no cooperation in the groups around. Workers do the little stuff so that we, at some point or another, receive the services. Remembering them for Labor Day. Some gratitude here.