Saturday, December 8, 2007

Jim Morrison/John Lennon

Today is Jim's Birthday...maybe he is somewhere in Africa at 64 years young. We "break on through" the doors of perception.

We also remember John and his saying, "when there's life there's hope." And hope beyond the new Orwellian morass coming upon humanity. Shouldn't we "peace for peace?" Is love the only reality? Anybody got a take on this?


sheridan said...

People are strange, when you're a stranger.

New groups copy Jim Morrison and probably make more money than he did. Although he did have enough money to by more drugs and booze than he needed.

I can still feel the strength of his music on my iPod.

theridion said...

Yeah, I see...just like Led Zepplin making money off the "blues blacks." The corporate spiral continues.