Friday, February 1, 2008

Stones a Rollin

Homeless people are amazingly tough, conning, and industrious. Talk to one that's been living outside for a good 20 years and they'll tell you what the "System" is about from their vantage-point on the River Ganges. Many survival situations, dumpster diving behind Jack in the Box, sleeping on top of laundromats, panhandling at choice locations, hustling in other ways, pad crashing, sleeping in trees and bushes, scrapes with the police, food banks, living in cars, squatting in abandoned houses, finding good bridges to live in, ...the list is interesting and seems to go on forever. Nowadays, many homeless steal from the homeless...a possible litmus test of the "health" of today's globalist pluralist capitalist so called civilization.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and the problem doesn't seem to be getting any better...