Monday, May 18, 2009

San Gabriel Mountains back range 5/5/09

Some pics of the upper San Gabriel Canyon area. Today it's amazingly just as gorgeous as eons ago. However, some specimens of the pine blister beetle attacking wide swathes of the conifers in the area. From Mt. Hawkins all the way to Big Bear Lake. Today was a windy May day. Temperatures in the 50s in the shade, in part, because of major snow banks still up at 7000 feet. 100 MPH gusts at times. A large band of smog coming from the L.A. basin on this day. These taken from Mt. Islip. Near Islip is a nice campground called Little Jimmy. Named after a cartoonist in Los Angeles in the 1930s. It's a fantastic elfin forest and can raise probably just about anyone's spirit just by being there. The peak about a mile from the campground or so.

Sadly down below Crystal is now with yellow algae and maybe a biohazard. Maybe it's over use.

1 comment:

J-o-h-n-n-y said...

simply wonderful......
