Sunday, July 5, 2009

Griffith Park again 7/04

Some pics...the vegetation coming back pretty quick. However, it's far more barren than in many years. Some side ridge trails also in the park. Some one can only scramble to the top and make sure their footing is solid with something to grab onto. Steep and large stone outcroppings can add surprise for the hiker. "When in doubt, don't." The monkey still in bloom in places. Some fushia. Many swallows flying around the park today. At one time, the government put in quite a water system. Galvanized lines run up and down most of the hilly terrain. Snakes common this time of year so it's wise to watch out for them, especially if grabbing an outcropping above.

1 comment:

sheridan said...

When I was younger I used to hike up in Griffith Park after a Saturday or Sunday meeting. I would walk until I was about ready to collapse and then rest for a while and walk back. Going downhill seemed a lot easier. I wish I had a digital camera then, but that was a few years ago.

I hope you someday put those picture in a book, maybe even find a publisher and make some money.