Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pacoima Canyon to Mendenhall Peak 7/10/10

This was an interesting hike from the Little Tujunga area. One starts at the saddle to a fire road. One can either go down into the canyon or continue east to northeast on a couple of sets of fire roads. One will wind up in Mt. Gleason; the other to trail canyon trail and Condor Peak. Excellent views today and a rare rainstorm came through. Humid and temp to the upper 80s/low 90s. The Station Fire zapped a lot here. As usual, plants roaring right back however. Noted two or three garter snakes up here. Mendenhall Peak about 6 miles up and looks down at Gold Canyon and Yerba Buena ridge. Some smog today as the photos will show. A few parts still unaffected by the fire...douglas fir, monkey flower, trumpet flower, canyon oak, bay tree, sage, manzanita, lupine and some others. Magic Mountain rises immediately to the north at about 4000 feet. Mendenhall Peak to about 4700 feet. Condor Peak another 10 miles or so beyond Mendenhall Peak. There was Dutch Louie campground and a couple of other stay overs toward Lightning Ridge. Great day except my partner almost ran outta gas!

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