Saturday, January 12, 2008

Backside of Mt Baden Powell

This is looking way down into the East Fork area of the San Gabriel river from Mt. Baden Powell (elevation 9399). Note the limber pines clinging tenaciously to the mountain's side. These little pines may live to 1000 years and can only birth new trees with a mountain fire. The fires open the cones so they can grow little trees. Often they are about 30 feet high and bent, sculpted and twisted over 100s of years of weather, earhquakes, fires, snow, very cold temperatures and the like. To the east is Mt Baldy (the wide ice cream shaped mountain) Baldy's left is Pine Mountain and the other Dawson Peak. To its forefront would be Iron Mountain. Nice clean clear air up here in the smoggiest days of the Los Angeles basin. Black bear and bighorn sheep may be seen up here on occasion.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such beautiful pictures and all the interesting info! This one looks like a perfect painting.

Anonymous said...

Regarding smoking: I smoked from 1976 to 1989, when I quit through hypnosis. In 1993, I fell off the wagon when my foster mother died. I continued for years and quit again just a few months after Sheridan did, through the Smoking Cessation program offered at Kaiser Permanente. We were able to quit because Kaiser uses a three-prong approach: Physical, emotional, and spiritual. The physical part is treated with a gradually-decreasing nicotine patch, the emotional part by a good dosage of Ziban or Wellbutrin, and the spiritual one by the weekly meetings we attended. Meetings are mandatory and the prescriptions are not filled if one stops going to meetings. These meetings are not a 12-step program but rather a moderator that educates the patients and BOY!! were these classes an eye opener for most of us. I seriously do not think there is a better approach than this one!