Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Echo Mountain and Ye Alpine Tavern

By 1894-1895, the Echo Mountain hotel would be built and a new 6 mile mountain railway would curve up another 1300 feet to the base of Mt. Lowe (formerly Oak Mountain). This is essentially at the top of Grand Canyon which feeds Millard Canyon. One can hike the former railway today and visualize what might have been there. This hike is roughly 12 miles and 2500 elevation gain/loss. One can loop from Castle Canyon down the railway or take the railway and go down the Sam Merril trail. Many beautiful natural spots on this trip. The Pacific Electric would eventually buy out the Lowe Railway and run it years later. Fires, floods, vandalism, and arson had occurred on a number of occasions. But, it would still go on til the final rail trip in 1936. This was a major engineering feat of that time. Two of them include the McPherson Trestle and Circular Bridge.


Anonymous said...

Where are these mountains?

Anonymous said...

Are they above the Pasadena area?

Anonymous said...

The incline was too steep. It reminds me of Angels' Flight in Downtown L.A. which I rode once. I was scared while riding it and swore never to do it again. A few weeks later, "the accident" happened and they shut it down for good.